Makenzie – 2.1 Miles Away

makenziestockerI don’t know how many of you have a physical location in which you can say your life changed forever.  As I write,  Google informs me I am 2.1 miles away from mine.

Four years ago this evening, Makenzie finished her last pirouette, landed her last leap, and smiled one last time for the camera that loved her.  Four years ago this evening, she headed home as a passenger in a car that drove the last 2.1 miles of her life to the intersection that I now mostly avoid.  Four years ago this evening, God lifted my beautiful daughter from a horrible wreckage and said, “Welcome Home.”

It is a funny thing how my human experience is now interwoven with concrete and traffic lights.  I ponder how my mind continues to bring up joyful memories and grieving feelings.  But I also praise God’s way of death for Makenzie. Instant. Unaware. Painless.  I am so very thankful that her location – where she rests – is free from all that is ugly.

So today, I choose to celebrate in the location.  Later, I will walk the lake shore that provided a beautiful backdrop for her last photo shoot.  I will sit on the dock in the place where she sat and I will venture to that intersection in which everything changed.  But I will not grieve.  I will only thank God because she is in my future and not in my past.  She is home; safe and sound in the protection and grace of her Savior, Jesus.  What more could a parent ask for.

Sleep tight, button nose.



Published by Todd Stocker

I love my family, music, writing and the Minnesota Vikings!

8 thoughts on “Makenzie – 2.1 Miles Away

  1. Makenzie’s picture made me smile:] I know she is dancing along with my daughter Tammy:] Nancy in SD

  2. Like a pebble thrown in the water causing ripples infinitely outward Makenzie’s life had effects that carry on. God saw her work and saw it was good and called her home to dance for him. We miss her greatly! I think of the words in the song …..will I dance for you Jesus or in awe of you be still….man you know she is dancing!!!!

  3. Oh, Pastor Todd, this tugged at my heartstrings!!! My travels take me by this site often & each time I’m reminded of what an angel Mackinzie was here on earth. Thank you for giving us so many different perspectives on the reasons for God taking her home. It gives us much hope!!!!! God bless you & your family.

  4. we lost our son in a freak accident with a golf cart over 20 years ago…i know that he is with the Lord and that i will see him again and never have to say goodbye.

  5. God bless you and the powerful witness you share with all. You and Kelly and children are in my daily prayers.

  6. body{font-size:10pt;font-family:arial,sans-serif;background-color:#ffffff;color:black;}p{margin:0px;}Todd, that is the most beautiful letter you have written…thank you for sharing.  Lynn

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