Do It WITH Fear

I heard a story of a firefighter who climbed up a five story ladder to rescue a woman hanging out a flame engulfed apartment building.  As smoke billowed from the window, the woman screamed and coughed and begged for the firefighter to hurry.  The ladder lurched into place and the firefighter met her on theContinueContinue reading “Do It WITH Fear”

4 Ways To Make A Difference This Halloween

***THIS IS A RE-POST OF MY POST REGARDING HALLOWEEN*** As a kid, I always loved Halloween.  I mean, who wouldn’t?  Go to people’s homes, ring the doorbell, spout off that silly little phrase and get candy!  What could be easier?  As I grew older, I understood more clearly that the origins of this American favorite,ContinueContinue reading “4 Ways To Make A Difference This Halloween”

You Need Encouragement

In 1896, Henry Ford attended a company event where Thomas Edison (the great inventor) was the guest of honor. His friend introduced him to Edison as “the man trying to make a car that runs on gasoline.” Edison asked young Henry Ford a host of questions and when the talk was over, Edison banged hisContinueContinue reading “You Need Encouragement”

How To Get Things Done Through Your Team

Have you ever been in a team meeting and there is a problem that someone identifies that your team agrees needs to be fixed.  Lot’s of ideas are thrown out and the conversation basically ends with a “yes, let’s work on that” and then nothing happens.  If you’re a leader, especially one that has aContinueContinue reading “How To Get Things Done Through Your Team”

Hope In God’s Story

We are doing a study in Max Lucado’s “The Story.”  In the opening introductory chapter, he introduces this idea that can give you hope, security and perspective on your life.  Here’s the concept. There are two stories happening in our reality.  The first – the Lower Story – is what we experience day to day. ContinueContinue reading “Hope In God’s Story”